Elderly Care
Caring for Ayrshire
Caring for Ayrshire is an exciting and ambitious programme that will transform health and care services across Ayrshire and Arran.
More people are living into old age, and whilst this is good news, we need to make sure that people lead not just longer lives, but longer, healthier lives. Our health and care services need to evolve to make sure we can look after more people and in better ways.
Up and About: Taking positive steps to avoid trips and falls
Taking positive steps to avoid trips and falls has been produced by NHS Health Scotland, Age Scotland and the National Osteoporosis Society. It includes information and helpful advice to those most at risk of trips and falls.
Around one in three older people experience a fall at least once a year. Getting out and about helps keep people active and enables them to do the things they enjoy doing and seeing their friends and family. However, falling, or the fear from getting out and about.
When to immunise
Different vaccines are given at different ages to protect you and your child. Find out when these vaccinations are offered, and when and where they'll be given.
Anticipatory care planning
If you have a long term health condition, making an anticipatory care plan can help you get back in control over what's important to you.
Anticipatory care planning (ACP) means that health and care practitioners work with people and their carers to ensure that the right thing is done at the right time by the right person.
Falls risk screening
If you’ve fallen, or are at risk of falling, your GP or other health or social care professional may offer you a ‘home and person’ falls risk screen to identify ways to reduce your risk of further falls, and help you to continue to carry out activities that are important to you.
In some situations your GP might refer you directly to a falls clinic (or other hospital clinic) for a medical assessment. This would usually be because you’ve: had a blackout,
experienced dizziness, or other symptoms.
Care equipment and adapting your home
If you’re elderly, disabled or have a long term health condition and want help to live safely and independently in your home, using equipment, technology or making adaptations to your home may be a good option for you.
This could include: getting equipment, like shower rails, adapting your home by installing a ramp or widening the doors, using everyday technology like computers or tablets to keep in touch with friends and family, or do your shopping online. Care Information Scotland can advise
0800 011 3200
Over 60 + or have a Disability? Eligible for free bus travel
If you are over 60 or have a disability, you could be eligible for free bus travel to get around Scotland and your local area. You can access this via the National Entitlement Card, your pass to free bus travel in Scotland.
Friends against Scams
Friends Against Scams is a National Trading Standards Scams Team initiative, which aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering people to take a stand against scams.
Scams cost the UK economy £5-£10 Billion a year
53% of people over 65 have been targeted by scams
Only 5% of scams are reported
Our statistics indicate that the average scam victim has lost over £3000.
0808 223 1133
Crossroads Scotland
Crossroads Caring Scotland is one of the country's leading voluntary sector providers of support for carers and their families. Established as a charity in Scotland in 1978, we provide support services across Scotland, helping people to live independently at home.
0141 226 3793
Care Information Scotland
If you look after someone, need care yourself or are planning your future care needs, you can get the information and advice you need here.
0800 011 3200
Telecare Self-Check Online Tool
This is an easy to use online tool that allows you to find helpful information on telecare services in your area that could help you live independently at home for longer. The tool asks 6 – 12 questions and will take about 5 minutes to complete. Once you have completed the tool you will be given useful information relating to your answers.
Older Drivers
Experienced drivers are, in general, safer than those with less experience. But as we get older, our health and fitness, often including our eyesight, physical condition and reaction times, begins to decline. Age related conditions can also begin to affect our driving. Recognise whether and how your driving is changing and decide what you can do to cope with these changes and find help, such as medical advice, driving assessments and training and vehicle adaptations.
Cinnamon Trust
Cinnamon Trust is the only specialist national charity which seeks to relieve the anxieties, problems, and sometimes injustices, faced by elderly and terminally ill people and their pets, thereby saving a great deal of human sadness and animal suffering.
01736 757 900