Care & Support North Ayrshire (CareNA)
Welcome to Care & Support North Ayrshire (CareNA) Website CareNA connects people using services in North Ayrshire with service providers. The site gives you information and contact details for providers that deliver services, activities and support across North Ayrshire. All the providers on CareNA have been encouraged to include their quality standards and ratings wherever possible. This is to ensure they are meeting the standards required to provide you with the quality you deserve.
Active North Ayrshire
Active North Ayrshire (ANA) is our local physical activity on referral programme in North Ayrshire. You can be referred to the programme by your GP or health professional and we will support you to become more active with activities and physical activity that are fun and enjoyable. Whether you are recovering from a heart attack or stroke, have a lifelong condition or simply need additional support to lose weight we have activities and classes suitable for everyone.
Alcohol Focus Scotland
Alcohol is a legal, socially acceptable drug which is seen as an integral part of Scottish life; used to celebrate, commiserate and socialise.
It’s also a toxic substance that can create dependence and causes serious health and social problems. Drinking too much, too often, increases the risk of cancer and liver disease, being involved in an accident, being a victim or perpetrator of crime, experiencing family breakdown, and losing employment.
0800 7 314 314
12 Week Weight Management Programme
Welcome to our 12 week weight management programme. This programme has been designed for adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or above, who want to be a healthier weight.
You shouldn't follow this programme if you're under 18 years of age, pregnant or in a healthy weight range.
Stopping Smoking
Information on the benefits of quitting smoking to you and those around you. Find the support you might need to make your quit attempt a success.
Healthy living
Find out what you can do to look after your mental and physical wellbeing with advice on stopping smoking, eating well and how to get enough exercise.