
Musculoskeletal Service (MSK)

MSK Physiotherapy services are still receiving referrals in the normal way but are only able to deal with acute conditions and patients with chronic conditions will sit on the routine waiting list. Please note that the MATS help line for patients to self-refer is still closed.

Up and About: Taking positive steps to avoid trips and falls

Taking positive steps to avoid trips and falls has been produced by NHS Health Scotland, Age Scotland and the National Osteoporosis Society. It includes information and helpful advice to those most at risk of trips and falls. Around one in three older people experience a fall at least once a year. Getting out and about helps keep people active and enables them to do the things they enjoy doing and seeing their friends and family. However, falling, or the fear from getting out and about.

Musculoskeletal (MSK) Services

This service can help by: finding out if you need to see a doctor, providing key information and advice to help with your problem, referring you to a physiotherapist or podiatrist if you need it.

NHS 24 MSK Help app

The NHS 24 MSK Help app was developed with the help of Scottish patients, doctors, MSK therapists, pharmacists and employment services. The information contained in this app is linked to muscle, bone and joint self-management information on NHS inform.